Opening hours

May 9 - September 30, 2024

daily open
9 - 18 h

October 1 - October 20, 2024

daily open
9 am - 5 pm
In very rare cases, e.g. extreme weather events, we adjust the opening hours at short notice for safety reasons. We publish changes as soon as possible on our homepage. In case of doubt, please inform yourself about the current situation.

Admission prices


CHF 10

Children 6 to under 16 years


Children under 6 years


Guided tours gorge and mountain world

20% discount

Groups from 10 persons
Holders of guest cards Jungfrauregion Tourismus AG, Brienz Tourismus, Interlaken Tourismus
Camping Card Bernese Oberland, Bernese Oberland Pass, Lake Brienz and Lake Thun Pass holders

Accepted means of payment

Cash CHF
Bank and credit cards
PostFinance Card
Mobile Payment


The well-built and secured path through the Rosenlaui glacier gorge allows young and old to experience a powerful natural spectacle up close. Through tunnels and over more than 200 steps you ascend 115 meters through the gorge. On the descent you walk on a gravel path with steps through a mountain forest back to the entrance. Distance about 1.2 km.

The tour lasts about 45 minutes.

Gym or walking shoes and clothing appropriate for the weather are recommended.

Please supervise small children.

Unfortunately, the tour is not stroller and wheelchair accessible.


A visit to the gorge is a refreshing and impressive nature experience for everyone and is therefore excellent for company and club outings. Combined with a hike, a comfortable stay in an inn or a visit to another sight in the Reichenbach Valley, you get an enjoyable day trip. You will find our suggestions for a perfect day as pdf files on the right. For further advice we are at your disposal.


The visit of the gorge is suitable for families who like to move in a primitive nature. At the gorge exit, a natural "Steinmanndli garden" invites you to play and linger. Near the entrance to the gorge is the Broch barbecue area. It can be reached on foot (15 minutes) or by car.
Do not leave small children unattended during the walk. The gorge trail is not suitable for strollers.


Dogs are allowed to accompany their owners through the gorge. No entrance fee is charged for dogs.

Attention: The glacier gorge and large parts of the Rosenlaui valley are located in the Schwarzhorn federal hunting ban area. For the protection of wild animals, dogs must be kept on a leash in the entire area (Ordinance on the Federal Hunting Ban Areas).
Rosenlaui Glacier Gorge
+41 33 971 24 88